Friday, November 28, 2008

What's my Vision... What's my Purpose to be still ALIVE?

The end of the "war"... I felt like I've lost part of my reason to live as well.
Maybe,everything was just the very beginning but I'm really not used to living in such way where everyday doing the same thing. I'm not looking forward anything like an adventure or something..I just wish I could do something to enhance myself.
Yes, to study, to gain more knowledge, to regain my original purpose since last time:
Leave the bloody school and start on a real rundown of studying of human personality.
Right now, I'll just take my time enjoying a few days of holidays. I've been reading for years of those boring books, they make me sick sigh.

Ahahaha, I sounded like someone who's going to conquer the world or like some nerd talking bout the function of books, cheer up~ I'm still the same me after all this. hehehe
A'ight, I'll drop off another song from my fav band (though i know most of you wouldnt like it) as a display~~

Nightmare - Naked Love

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Perak here I come....

Yeap... to any of you that ar going to miss me.. it's time to miss me now kay.
i'll be sent to Perak soon. very soon.
it was the PLKN thingy..
the letter that they sent to me looks really encouraging ya... everything is included in there... oh my goodness.. i'll try to do some research on it when i have the ample time ya.
right now.. deal wif spm first ahahah!!

Is FOREVER a word based on the word NONSENSE?

i really dont know what is going on with all those people around me that held the name of love.
what? is love some kind of game for you all?!
somehow, i've never expected anything out of u all... after all, we're amateurs but hey, i'm always exempted from you all.. really~!

I'm not saying i could do better in love stuff see.. i know i have no experience in love and after all this, i'm still single. but when i see the deeds of u all..
was it like must be guys to hurt girls in a relationship? sumore it is my friend?? some of them ar the victim and some of them are the criminal. were all the good guys slumber in the FOREVER sleep already?

i'm sick of it man~
and i'm praying hard that i must not be like any one of them.
Not the prey and not the predator. and I'll BE OBSERVING all of you as usual~