Up to now, really, I've come to post-stop that I have no idea how should I make a post for my blog.. Totally lost of ideas or should have said, things that is happening around me is all around the same thing. Even the word "same" itself have repeated more than 20 times I think. Oh well, that's how a-nothing-special guy leads his own life you see.
Things that is happening around me is all just so simple and easy to live it out. Somehow, in some other way, people see my life as a very complicated one because there are things in life that I think of that they could never thought I had it in me. People doesn't trust me for the things I've said alright.
First thing first, there's no such thing as coincidence in what I ought to said about a person, you may said that I know nothing about them but then at certain sight and at another angle of view, I know what kind of person I'm judging on. I don't talk bad stuff about people, I just tell you what they are about to do to you.
So, what's the different with giving people bad impression about their friends? Look, at certain moment, I prefer to become the asshole than to see you being cheated and tooled by those scumbags. Somehow, my words are hard to be believed (as usual) and you have your tears rolled. I wouldn't be surprised nor laugh at you. Since, you're not the first person that didn't believe me.
I hope both of you learned some lesson out of this incident. Don't learn anything from me, I didn't do anything at all and please don't be stupid. What you've been through is nothing related to my TwoFace theory okay! At your stage, all that matters are like how to become a hypocrite or at least that's what you think you are. What you did wasn't TwoFace.
At least the other friend of yours understand what my Twoface was like... but as for you, you've totally misunderstood the purpose I made out this theory. I don't think it's the time for you to understand, you still need to fall deeper to understand.
Yes, I'm pushing both of you down, wouldn't even bother rescuing both of you. I rather see you fall than letting others take opportunity on both of you.
Last but not least, Welcome to Reality KIDS!!
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