Saturday, October 16, 2010

For me, Reality is actually Unreal

All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts, his acts being seven ages.

A quote expressed by William Shakespeare which I find it to be rather true for me. Even after a long talk with my fellow friends, though there were many knowledge and experience that they have shared with me, I wouldn't think of another reason for me to pull off myself from being the ol-real me and I can move on with the progress that I'm making out. Be it that I'll forever be lying to myself and never find back the person I once was, I know it very well that this will be the decision I regret naught.

I don't know about you but then in my dictionary, I've already wiped off the comparison between Good and Bad and left it with a "?". Somehow, if you would still be asking me what kind of guy exactly I am since there's already no more comparison between Good and Bad, I would answer it "I'm still a Bad guy". & so I'm no Devil from Hell nor an Angel from Heaven.

All that I could say for myself that is
"Never Overestimated your Positivity nor Underestimated your Negativity"

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